Lake Placid— On January 23, 2024 at First Presbyterian Church in Saranac Lake, Mercy Care for the Adirondacks hosted their Friendship Volunteers, Elder Friends, and St. Bernard’s 5th Grade students for a multigenerational Game Day and refreshments.  Guests played newly reimagined multigenerational versions of the classic board games Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble.

Mercy Care Volunteers, Elder Friends, and St. Bernard’s 5th Grade students socializing together is mutually beneficial and helps ease the isolation and loneliness people of all ages are experiencing, especially in the aftermath of COVID-19.

Mercy Care’s mission is to enhance in every dimension the fullness of life of Elders living in our community. Lexi Bevilacqua, Mercy Care Program Director, remarked “Creativity in Aging events are designed to offer Elders we serve the opportunity to stay connected to their community. We cherish these multigenerational engagement opportunities as they provide the chance to connect across generational lines.” Mercy Care hosts Creativity in Aging programs throughout the year in the Tri-Lakes area, open to all Mercy Care Volunteers, Parish Nurses, Elder Friends, as well as Mercy Care’s Mission Extension Partners’ Volunteers and Elder Friends.

Katherine Rhodes, Mercy Care’s Elder Care Manager, is excited to see how “something as simple as a board game can bring together the youngest and oldest members of our community.”  


If you are interested in becoming a Mercy Care Friendship Volunteer or

Parish Nurse or if you are an elder and need the services of a Mercy Care

Volunteer, please call Mercy Care’s Elder Care Manager, Katherine Rhodes at 518-523-5585, contact her by e-mail at, or visit Mercy Care’s Website at


Mercy Care for the Adirondacks is a mission sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy to

enhance the fullness of life of elders. Mercy Care invites volunteers of all faiths or no faith to join our more than 100 Friendship Volunteers in the Tri-Lakes area and surrounding communities to help elders age in place more successfully for as long as possible.  Mercy Care serves any older adult in need, within our capacity.

Mercy Care’s services are provided free of charge to those we assist.  The community itself supports Mercy Care with its generous Volunteer service and its financial support.  Mercy Care for the Adirondacks is governed by a local board of directors and relies solely on grants and charitable gifts from individuals, businesses, and foundations for its support. Board members include: Melissa Eisinger, President, Art Devlin, Vice-President, Ann Cantwell Telfer, Stefanie Holderied, Cathy Johnston, Sr. Eileen McDonnell, RSM, Paul O’Leary, Kathryn M. Reiss, Shawn Stuart, Kathleen Trainor, and Fr. John Yonkovig.